Underwood Chiropractic Clinic

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If you've been involved in an auto accident and have sustained an injury, Underwood Chiropractic Clinic can help relieve your pain


Auto Accidents:

Underwood Chiropractic understands the problems with being involved in an auto accident. Aside from the pain and inconvenience, we know about the paperwork hassles and rules and regulations and how it often makes no sense to most people when they're simply trying to recover. That's why we handle everything for our auto injury clients.


If you're making an insurance claim from a car accident and you come in to Underwood Chiropractic to start your treatment, we'll deal with your insurance company, fill in all the forms, send in all the paperwork and bill them directly. You don't have to pay anything up front.


Whether your injury is neck-related, back-related, or maybe it's just all over; whether you're suffering from whiplash or getting ongoing headaches and/or migraines; come see us at Underwood Chiropractic, sooner rather than later, and let us take care of you AND the details.


Crashes & Whiplash

Underwood Chiropractic Clinic can help you recover from accident-related injuries.Car crashes, collisions, and minor fender benders are the major causes of whiplash. The ill effects of a whiplash injury can occur instantly or it could be weeks or even months before symptoms occur. Injuries to the neck caused by a sudden movement (head forward, back, or sideways) is commonly referred to as "whiplash" or "acceleration/deceleration injuries".


These forces result in straining of muscles, ligaments, and tendons, and in turn, can result in injuries to the spine causing nerve irritation (pinched spinal nerves). The results of such injuries can cause neck pain, shoulder and arm pain or numbness, elbow and hand pain or numbness, low back pain, headaches, dizziness, and blurred vision. The injured areas lose the ability to function and loss of range of motion (stiffness) occurs. The body attempts to adapt and symptoms can appear anywhere from the instant the injury occurred until weeks or even months later.


The Pain is Trying to Tell You Something

Pain is an indicator that a problem exists within our body. Without pain, our bodies could not tell us that there is an injury and that something is wrong. Most minor to moderate whiplash injuries are overlooked by the patient, the hospital, and even the patient's family medical provider due to the lack of initial pain. Several months after the injury, when the patient continues to have pain or it worsens, most people begin to realize that the injury they sustained is worse then they imagined.




Underwood Chiropractic Clinic, 11851 Coursey Blvd, Suite A, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816

11851 Coursey Blvd. Suite A, Baton Rouge, Louisiana 70816 | Phone: (225) 293-1700

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